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Growing old at 24FPS
How HAL Pulled Off Extended Aging FX for Low Vs. Diamond
By Bryant Frazer
October 23, 2008    
When music-video director Marc Klasfeld approached VFX Supervisor Chris Zapara about creating the "Heart Attack" music video for rock band Low Vs. Diamond, a simple idea rapidly became more complex.

"He was saying, 'Oh, it's just two people kissing,' Zapara recalls. "I'm like, 'OK.' He says, 'It's very close up,' and I'm like, 'That's fine.' And then he says 'Over the course of the video, they age.' And I said, 'What?'"

Aging effects are nothing new, of course, and most VFX jobs would simply employ multiple stages of make-up effects and a series of quick morphs to get through the process. But Klasfeld wanted his two performers to age ever-so-slowly in a single shot over the course of a three-minute music video, which turned out to be a fairly tall order. Zapara and his team at HAL — a VFX firm founded earlier this year by Zapara and Klasfeld along with director Tony Petrossian and original VFX producer Ed Irastorza — ended up creating an elegant Frankenstein's monster of a video, patching together bits and pieces from multiple takes (including performances by two different sets of actors) into each frame to create a convincing, almost imperceptible vision of the aging process. Watch the video, then read the Q&A below to find out how they did it.

 요즘 좋은 뮤직비디오를 찾기 힘든데 참 마음에 든다.
